Telin has officially initiated the groundbreaking ceremony for its Cable Landing Station (CLS) near Pantai Mutiara, which is part of the Bifrost Cable System that connects Singapore and North America via Indonesia. This system passes through the Java Sea and the Celebes Sea.

Read more: Telin Breaks Ground on Pantai Mutiara Cable Landing Station for Bifrost Cable System

The five telecommunications companies that signed up to invest in Malaysia's 5G network wholesaler Digital Nasional Berhad (DNB) must finalize their share subscription agreements (SSAs) within the next 20 days, according to a recent report.

Read more: Telcos Face 20-Day Deadline to Finalize Investments in Malaysia's 5G Network

Malaysian telecommunications company, Time dotCom (Time), and Huawei recently announced that they have successfully implemented Segment Routing IPv6 (SRv6) technology within Time's network. This move aims to give Time an advantage in the enterprise services market.

Read more: Time dotCom, Huawei Launch Malaysia's First SRv6 Network

StarHub, a top telecommunications service provider in Singapore, has partnered with Global Switch, a well-known owner, operator, and developer of large-scale data centers in the Asia Pacific and Europe, to launch Low Latency Data Centre Connect in Singapore.

Read more: StarHub and Global Switch Launch Low Latency Data Center Connect

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